Last Updated on 19/04/2024
Tourists and Alsace public transport are a real combination, but require preparation, since the system is intended for residents and does not focus on foreign tourists. In addition, Alsace is divided by two large transport associations with their own rules and tariffs, and traveling across the zone border is quite unprofitable. But let’s start with the good stuff: how to save money with Alsace welcome cards.
Selestat and around: Koenigsbourg Castle, Monkey Mountain, Cigoland
Alsace Wine Route. 1. Ribeauville, Riquewihr
Alsace Wine Route. 2. Kaysersberg and Eguisheim
Strasbourg (Strassburg). What to see
What to see in Alsace. Alsace attractions from Selestat to Colmar
What to see in Alsace. 1. Northern Alsace
Information on transport lines and tariffs is among the most rapidly changing information. So check it out!
Alsace welcome cards
The main Alsace welcome card – Pass’Alsace
It is quite beneficial for active travelers because it does not offer discounts, but free admission to attractions. With a good search online, you may also be able to find promotional discounts on this guest card, especially if you’re traveling during the mid-season, making it an even better value. (search for the words Pass’Alsace code promo)
At the same time, you need to be realistic about what exactly you will have time to visit, because the distances in Alsace are not so short.
You can buy the Alsace welcome card at the points listed on the website (usually at the box office of the attractions included in the list) and online. We had a version printed on paper, and it was not very convenient: it had to be rescanned many times.
The current list of attractions must be checked on the website each time, as it changes. From the top ones in 2023:
– Fleckenstein castle in northern Alsace
– 3 museums to choose from in Strasbourg
– chocolate factory in the suburbs of Strasbourg
– Koenigsbourg Castle
– Monkey Mountain, Cigoland and Birds of Prey Show
– Humanistic library and bread museum in Selestat
– Tellure mines
– NaturOparс in Hunawihr
– Unterlinden Museum in Colmar
– Hohlandsbourg castle
– open air museum in Ungersheim
– Electropolis and Zoo in Mulhouse
Most of the attractions are described on the website:
South of Alsace. Sights of Mulhouse
Strasbourg (Strassburg). What to see
What to see in Alsace. Alsace attractions from Selestat to Colmar
What to see in Alsace. 1. Northern Alsace
Available options Pass’Alsace.
Child ticket up to 12 years old. Some attractions are free for the youngest children, so you should check the prices for children’s tickets.
MiniPass 24h – 24 hours 25 euros adult, 17 euros child. For an additional 5 euros you can ride the Batorama boat (regular ticket about 15 euro for adult).
MiniPass 48h – 48 hours 35 euros adult, 22 euros child. For an additional 5 euros you can ride the Batorama boat
Pass’Alsace 3 jours – card for 3 days of your choice within two weeks. 14 days begin to count from the moment of first use. Cost 45 / 27 euros. Plus 5 euros for batorama
Pass’Alsace 5 jours – card for 5 days of your choice within two weeks. 14 days begin to count from the moment of first use. Cost 60 / 40 euros. Plus 5 euros for batorama
Pass Strasbourg et Nord Alsace – three-day ticket (3 days from 14 days) for the sights of Northern Alsace and Strasbourg. 25 euros / 17 euros. Plus 5 euros for the batorama.
Pass Hiver – winter ticket from November to March. 3 days from 14 days. 25 euros / 17 euros. Plus 5 euros for the batorama. The list of attractions is shorter; winter opening hours must be checked.

Welcome card of Strasbourg – Strasbourg City card
The Strasbourg City Card is a discount card.
Cost – 5 euros adult, 3.50 euros child for 7 days. It pays off quite easily: for example, by climbing the cathedral tower and looking at the astronomical clock, you will already have paid for it, and by visiting at least one museum in Strasbourg, you will start saving money.

Welcome card of Colmar – Colmar City Pass
Colmar city pass is sold at the tourist office and two museums.
This is quite different card in terms of saving money.
adult – 32 euros
9-17 years old – 28 euros
under 9 years old – free
The price includes 5 Colmar museums and a Dominican church, one boat ride and one mini-train ride. With about 30 percent discount: Chocolate Museum. Valid for 7 days.
Honestly, with all due respect to Colmar, for this price the card is not very interesting. And the price for 9-year-olds, 28 euros, is simply “amazing”.
In the calculation on the website, they indicate the highest prices. For example, the Unterlinden Museum costs 13 euros only with an audio guide, without it 11 euros.
The Unterlinden Museum costs 11 euros / 8 euros for teenagers / 35 euros for families. Under 12 years old free.
Dominican Church: 2/1 euro. Under 12 years old free
boat ride: 8 euros / 4-10 years – 4 euros
mini-train: 7.50 euros for adults
3 museums from the list are not for everyone, but they are also inexpensive, for example the Bartholdi Museum: 5 euros / under 18 years old free
So the card is only for adults and only if you want to visit all the museums and take advantage of all the discounts.
Guest card of Selestat region – Carte d’hotes Alsace centrale
Free guest card for overnight stays in the region around Selestat.
The main value is free TIS buses and discounts on attractions plus nice little discounts or surprises at local wineries/cafes/shops. Interesting, for example, is the discount for electric bicycles rent. Look at the list in PDF on the website.
Welcome card Mulhouse City Pass
19 euros for 3 days for adults and 14 euros for children.
Includes: one free attraction out of 11, attraction discounts and free transportation.
Already free transport for three days almost pays off the card (a 1-day ticket costs 4.50). Then it is enough to choose one of the major museums for free visit to already save the money. For example, the railway museum costs 14 euros, and the automobile museum costs the same as the card itself – 18 euros. The other discounts are also quite nice – 3-4 euros. The list includes some top attractions.
So even active one-day visit with two museums and public transport will benefit from purchasing the card.
Alsace public transport
The train connects major cities from north to south: Strasbourg, Selestat, Colmar, Mulhouse. Most of the small interesting towns are off the railway line.
Alsace is part of the larger Grand-Est region: association Fluo Grand Est
Stations schedule: Link
Alsace regional buses
In Alsace we have two major transport systems. Both do not mention Alsace in the name, so to find them you need to know what to look for.
Southern Alsace (upstream of the Rhine): Haut-Rhin 68
Northern Alsace (downstream): Bas-Rhin 67
To this are added regional trains (serviced by Fluo itself) and urban transport systems:
Mulhouse – Solea
Colmar – Trace
Strasbourg – CTS
Saint-Louis (opposite Basel) – Distribus
Haguenau – Ritmo
Selestat – TIS
Ottrott – Pass’O
The main thing we need from them at the stage of studying lines is the section Plan du reseau. The words Fiche horaire will tell you that the schedule can be downloaded.
You must study all maps carefully. But this will not save you from perplexity. For example, if you look at map Haut-Rhin 68 and then at map Bas-Rhin 67, you will notice a lack of connection between the regions, as if there is no direct way from Selestat to Ribeauville. Nevertheless, there is a bus there, but to find it, you need to show great deductive abilities, because SNCF Bus 23 (it is named also TER car) carries you along this route. You can get the current schedule by searching online on SNCF website or Fluo itself. This bus does not appear on the list of lines.
The same goes for the Selestat – Ste Marie aus Mines bus (by the way, you won’t get to the mines on it, you have to walk from the city) and one bus on the north.
Some buses are summer buses – then estivale is written next to them. On the map I have marked some of these lines with the letter (S). The Routes des Cretes panoramic road is marked in yellow. Train stations are a black rectangle (the station in Neuf-Brisach was marked by mistake, as it is a freight train). Only relevant stations are listed.
The lines are schematic. Only lines leading to points of interest highlighted on my point of interest maps are shown.

Full maps of Strasbourg public transport
This map shows only the main tourist lines. Rates are listed below. A, C, D, E are trams.

Navette des Cretes and bus Kut’zig
There are also summer tourist lines, such as mountain Navette des Crêtes.
Information about mountain routes can be found on the websites of attractions. Their peculiarity is that they disappear and appear again. Current general page: Link
There are several lines of navette. For the average tourist, the greatest interest is:
line 1 from Colmar via Kaysersberg to Lac Blanc
line 9 Lac Blanc – Grand Ballon
line 4 Thann – Grand Ballon
The Kut’zig convertible bus, on the contrary, is not going to disappear anywhere and has existed steadily for quite some time. The bus goes to the wine towns
Tariffs of the Haut-Rhin department
Children in most cases are free only under 4 years old.
P’tits prix
If you buy tickets in advance, the train can cost 3-5 euros per person. If you travel in group and you have a long route (e.g. Colmar/Selestat – Strasbourg), then be sure to look at the tickets in advance, otherwise it will be incredibly expensive.
Tariff unitaire
In 2023, Fluo decided to make life easier for travelers and introduced a single unitaire fare for a 4-hour bus ride.
City networks are not included in the tariff, neither is region 67. Includes regions 08, 10, 51, 52, 54, 68.
You can buy it on the website Link (but it works from the moment of purchase!), in the machines and in the car. 4 hours start from the moment of purchase.
Carte Fluo
Miracles about 4 euros for 4 hours become even more wonderful if you purchase Carte Fluo.
Carte Fluofor 20 euros for a year gives a 50 percent discount on all Fluo tickets (unitaire and TER) up to Paris Est.
Carte Fluo up to 26 years old costs only 1 euro.
If a card for an adult still requires calculation to see if it will pay off, then a card for children should definitely be purchased. Can be purchased through the app.

Alsa + 24h
Day passes for the entire department or throughout Alsace.
- for the whole of Alsace (associations TER Fluo – Fluo Grand Est 67 – CTS – TIS – Pass’O – Fluo Grand Est 68 – Soléa – TRACE – Distribu) – 37.50 euros
- for department Haut-Rhin (associations TER Fluo – Fluo Grand Est 68 – Soléa – TRACE – Distribus) – 23.10 euros
Weekend group ticket:
- Alsa+ Groupe Journée Haut-Rhin – on Saturday or Sunday or holidays, group up to 5 people – 24.20 euros
- Alsa+ Groupe Journée Régional – for the whole of Alsace (Haut and Bas Rhine departments) on Saturday or Sunday or holidays group up to 5 people – 39.10 euros
Solea (Mulhouse)
Check also Mulhouse city pass (above).
single Secours tickets for 1 hour, purchased on public transport – 2 euros
single tickets via the Compte Mobilité app – 1.30 euros
single tickets via SMS 93 068 – 1.50 euros
booklet for 10 trips (carnet) – 13 euros
24h – one-day ticket for all transport in the agglomeration, including trains, – 4.50 euros
P+Tram – ticket “parking plus tram” for all passengers of the car – 2 euros, valid for two parking lots of this type and tram 2
Famille – round trip ticket for a family of up to 5 people – 5 euros
Alsa+ 24h et Groupe Journée – group ticket for a weekend in the Mulhouse agglomeration – 7.10 euros
Mulhouse is connected to the train-tram line to Kruth. It has its own tariffs:
- Attitudes aller simple – simple one-way ticket from 4.70 to 6.80 euros (5.20 Thann, 6.80 Kruth)
- Attitudes aller-retour – round trip ticket from 9 to 13.40 euros

Trace (Colmar)
Billet à l’Unité – single ticket for 1 hour for 1.50 euros. Also available as carnet (10 tickets)
Ticket Alsa+ 24H zone urbaine de Colmar – 24 hour ticket for 3.50
72h – ticket for 72 hours for 7 euros
Titre Alsa+ Groupe Journée urbain Colmar – group ticket on Sundays, Saturdays, holidays – 5.40 euros
Bas-Rhin (67) tariffs
P’tits prix
If you buy tickets in advance, the train can cost 3-5 euros per person. If you travel in group and you have a long route (e.g. Colmar/Selestat – Strasbourg), then be sure to look at the tickets in advance, otherwise it will be incredibly expensive.
Tariff unitaire
In the Bas-Rhin department everything is more generously and better described.
A one-way bus ticket with transfers costs 2.50 euros. Valid on all lines except tourist lines to Europa-Park.
Regional bus ticket plus bus/tram in Strasbourg (ticket Unitaire réseau Fluo Grand Est 67 + CTS) – 3.50 euros
Tickets are also available in booklets for 10 trips.
Bus fares to Europa-Park. Aller simple – one way. Aller-retour – round trip

Pass Groupe Journée
A pass for 5 people for transport in the region 67 – 17.50 euros.
For example, if you are a family with two or three children on bus 500 on the route Cigoland – monkeys – Koenigsbourg castle for the whole day in off-on mode, then this ticket is suitable for you.
Alsa + 24h
Cost of day passes in the Bas-Rhin:
- for the whole of Alsace (associations TER Fluo – Fluo Grand Est 67 – CTS – TIS – Pass’O – Fluo Grand Est 68 – Soléa – TRACE – Distribu) – 37.50 euros
- Alsa+ 24H départemental Bas-Rhin (associations T.E.R., Fluo Grand Est 67, Ritmo, CTS, Pass’O, TIS) – 23.10 euros
Weekend group tickets:
- Alsa+ Groupe Journée Bas-Rhin – on Saturday or Sunday or holidays, group up to 5 people – 24.20 euros
- Alsa+ Groupe Journée Régional – for the whole of Alsace (Haut and Bas Rhine departments) on Saturday or Sunday or holidays group up to 5 people – 39.10 euros
TIS (Selestat)
Check also Selestat region guest card (see above)
one way e-ticket – 1.20 euros
ticket on board – 2 euros
child – 0.50 euros
day ticket – 3.60 euros
Navetta 500 belongs to regional transport and has corresponding tariffs. The bus to Europa-Park has its own tariffs (see above)
Tickets for Strasbourg public transport
Tickets can be purchased from vending machines (coins up to 20 euros or credit card), service points, kiosks (tobacco, newspaper, etc.), online, in the App. Most tickets are also valid for tram D to Kehl.
EMS – Eurometropolis Strasbourg (without Kehl).
Most tickets can be “recharged” for a slightly lower cost.
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Single tickets – aller simple: 2.50 on board, 2.10 in advance
Par 2 – for two trips: 3.80 euros
Par 10 – for 10 trips: 17.30 euros
Tickets for children only in carnet form for 10 trips – aller simple tarif reduit par 10: 15.40 euros
tickets parking relais (P+R) – parking and round-trip ticket for passengers: 4.70 Rothonda parking, 4.20 – other P+R parking lots. Separate prices for campers
24H Solo – 24-hours ticket for 1 person: 4.50 euros
ALSA + 24H EMS – 24-hours ticket for the agglomeration plus the airport (including trains, excluding Kehl): 4.60 euros
24H Trio – 24-hours ticket for a group of up to 3 people: 10.40 euros
Pass 3 jours – ticket for 3 calendar days for 1 person: 10.40 euros
group ticket ALSA+ groupe journee EMS on weekends in the Strasbourg metropolitan area: 7.20 euros
single ticket in Strasbourg plus bus ticket in the region – tickets unitaires combines: 3.50 euros
For other regional passes valid in Strasbourg, see above (Alsa + 24h)
Europass 24H – family ticket for EMS and buses in Ortenau (Germany): 1 adult and 2 children 4-12 years old – 9.60 euros, plus one more adult – 14.50 euros.
Europass 24H mini – similar ticket, only the German part is reduced to zone 2 (Kehl) and Appenweier: 6.80/11.20 euros
All topics about #Alsace
Selestat and around: Koenigsbourg Castle, Monkey Mountain, Cigoland
Alsace Wine Route. 1. Ribeauville, Riquewihr
Alsace Wine Route. 2. Kaysersberg and Eguisheim
Strasbourg (Strassburg). What to see
What to see in Alsace. Alsace attractions from Selestat to Colmar
What to see in Alsace. 1. Northern Alsace
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