Alsace Wine Route. 1. Ribeauville, Riquewihr

Elsass Alsace Ribeauville

In this part of the story about Alsace, we will look at Ribeauville and Riquewihr.

The Alsace Wine Route has been around for over 70 years and is (deservedly) extremely popular. The question of choice inevitably arises – which city to visit? In the topic, I chose the very best cities and villages from a cultural point of view (the most beautiful).

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Loire Castles. Blois region attractions map

Loiretal Schlösser Chaumont Loire castles

One part of Loire castles and the most interesting Blois region attractions on the map. Since the region has an excessive number of Loire castles (Cher castles, Indres castles…), you should study in advance which ones to visit. It is better to limit yourself to two castles per day, although some routes allow you to visit more. To attract visitors, some castles organize themed exhibitions. Therefore, it makes sense to choose a couple of the most famous castles to visit and add to them those whose thematic exhibitions are of interest to you.

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Loire valley Chambord castle

Loire Valley Chambord Castle / Loiretal Schloss Chambord

The main thing to come to Loire Valley Chambord castle for is the amazing architecture. A fantastic jumble of towers, stairs, bells, carved windows, twisted railings make it look like a cake that came out from under the hands of a pastry chef with a particularly sophisticated imagination. Chateaubriand saw in him a woman with flowing hair. Victor Hugo wrote about the castle: “All sorts of magic, poetry, even madness are represented in the admirably bizarrerie of that palace of fairies and knights.”

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Loire valley Chenonceau castle

Chenonceau Castle / Loire Schloss Chenonceau

Wealthy and powerful nobles of the 15-16th centuries, deciding to get a permanent residence in the Loire Valley, obviously found a special charm in the fact that their castle was surrounded by water.

The swift waters of Cher, flowing around the arches of the covered bridge attached to the Chenonceau Castle (Château de Chenonceau), make it perhaps the most graceful of the Loire valley castles.

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Pink granite coast (Cote de granit rose)

Rosa Granitküste Ploumanach Bretagne / Brittany pink granite coast

The pink granite coast got its name because the coast and islands are made of pink granite of various shades, from very light, almost gray, to dark, almost brown.

The entire coastline is practically one continuous developed resort. There is where to walk, there are beautiful beaches and there is something to see.

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Brittany. Paimpol. Côte de Goelo

Brittany Roche Jagu Castle

The last day in Brittany was disgusting. The weather didn’t just turn bad. Cold, if not frosty, june morning began with thick fog combined with light rain. But sitting in the same bottle, that is, in the house, with a little genie was not possible. So we set off towards Paimpol and the island of Brehat in the hope that the weather will improve.

On the way, we stopped at Pontrieux and the Roche-Jagu castle. This part of Brittany left the impression of being wild and more authentic than the nearby resorts of the Pink Granite Coast. Although, perhaps, the weather is to blame for this.

In this post all interesting, what you can visit around Paimpol.

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