Lake Garda buses, roads, beaches, guest cards

Garda lake beaches

Lake Garda is very large. Its northern and southern parts are very different, and getting from one end to the other is not so easy: the roads are slow and congested. The north is more nature-recreational, the south is tourist and entertainment. This topic provides general orientation to the area: Lake Garda buses, tickets, ships, roads, beaches.

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Eiderstedt Peninsula. Sankt Peter Ording

Sankt Peter Ording (SPO) is the most developed resort on the shores of the Wadden Sea north of the Elbe. Only the island of Sylt is more known than it. This determines housing prices and a high resort tax, which is also levied on day tourists.

The resort occupies the tip of the Eiderstedt peninsula. In this topic we will explore St. Peter Ording and find out where it makes sense to stay, what you can see in this part of the peninsula, where are which beaches and where to ride a bike.

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Einbeck – half-timbered jewel


It would seem that half-timbered towns are nothing new for us. But Einbeck turned out to be a real jewel in our collection: here you don’t need to look for a couple old buildings on the map, you get the feeling that the city has hardly changed since the 16th century.

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Wadden Sea Schleswig-Holstein: Büsum, Husum, Friedrichstadt

Wadden sea Busum Husum Friedrichstadt

Let’s continue to explore Wadden Sea. This time the section between Büsum and Husum, the center of which is occupied by the large peninsula of Eiderstedt, crowned by the resort of St. Peter Ording (SPO).

This central part of the western coast of Schleswig-Holstein is the most developed. Higher up are the islands and the so-called Hallige – unprotected islands that do not have dikes – and go all the way to the island of Sylt and the Danish border. Below is a large protected area around Friedrichskoog.

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Schwäbisch Gmünd and Aalen

Schwäbisch Gmünd

Schwäbisch Gmünd and Aalen lie on the “short” road from Stuttgart to Nuremberg. Here the Swabian Alb ends, passing into the hilly Swabia, with deep winding valleys in which tributaries of the Neckar flow – three tributaries begin near Aalen. Previous generations fully appreciated the landscape: the Romans and medieval Swabians left in the region the remains of ancient Roman fortresses and a chain of half-timbered towns with city walls.
The region is suitable for excursions from Stuttgart or Ulm or for short holidays.

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Alsace public transport and welcome cards

Tourists and Alsace public transport are a real combination, but require preparation, since the system is intended for residents and does not focus on foreign tourists. In addition, Alsace is divided by two large transport associations with their own rules and tariffs, and traveling across the zone border is quite unprofitable. But let’s start with the good stuff: how to save money with Alsace welcome cards.

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Selestat and around: Koenigsbourg Castle, Monkey Mountain, Cigoland

Elsass Cigoland Alsace

Selestat is not as popular as Colmar and does not seem to be trying to improve this situation, although there are a number of top Alsatian attractions nearby. Koenigsbourg Castle, a park with free-roaming monkeys and a bird of prey show are on a mountain near the city. There’s also an amusement park near the highway, and Alsace vine route through beautiful half-timbered small towns. Let’s also add Strasbourg, which has good transport accessibility, and we get an almost ideal base for exploring Alsace.

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