Last Updated on 01/08/2023
The film “Sound of music” has attracted many viewers almost 60 years with its sincerity, wonderful music and voices. But do not forget about the scenery that Salzburg and Salzkammergut served. The fairytale story lives in its own fairytale world. And it was not for nothing that the film had such a significant budget at that time.
I will tell you about Sounds of music filming locations, where the film was filmed. You can arrange yourself this tours without paying to tourist office or private guides. It is not difficult. And it is better for you, because you are independent then and can see also other sights nearby.
Salzburg old town
Salzburg Hellbrunn palace, museums
Salzkammergut best places to visit
Hallstatt Town and lake
Salzkammergut Lakes
Traunsee Gmunden
Sounds of music filming locations map

1. At the beginning filming from a helicopter: Salzkammergut lakes, including Fuschl and the castle of the same name on this lake (hotel), and then Anif castle, surrounded by water (privat).

2. The opening song The Hills Are Alive was filmed on Untersberg, on the German side, at Mellweg, near Schellenberg.

3. The interiors of the Nonnberg Monastery were filmed in the studio. Monastery is still closed to the public.
But the song Maria, is sung by the nuns in the courtyard of the monastery. Children come there to see Maria in the second part of the film.
Nonnberg is seldom in the photos because it is only seen from certain places. At the monastery itself you only see a narrow street and a wall.
Here Nonnberg – red dome behind other churches.

4. Maria goes to the von Trapp family. But she does not come from the Nonnberg Abbey – there is no such picturesque view of the old town – but along the Winkler Terrace. It is near the lift from Old Town to Mönchsberg.

5. With the song I Have Confidence in Me, Maria walks through the center of Salzburg (Residence square with the Residenzbrunnen fountain, Cathedral Square arches) and takes a bus on Kapitelplatz.

Read more about Salzburg
Salzburg old town
6.The end of this song is the Hellbrunner alley leading, as the name suggests, to Hellbrunn, and the Frohnburg Palace (1670). It is now owned by the Mozarteum Academy of Music and closed to the public.
The palace serves as the front facade of the von Trapp house. Maria walks through the courtyard. And at the end of the film, through this courtyard and the gate, a car is taken out to flee abroad.

7. The interior scenes were filmed mostly in the studio. But the Venetian Hall, which Maria unknowingly enters into, having just appeared in the house, and in which the guests dance at the ball, was filmed in the Leopoldskron Palace.
8. The gazebo, in which the love scenes of Lisel – Rolf (Sixteen Going On Seventeen) and Maria – the Captain (Something good) were filmed, was originally in Leopoldskron Park. But tourists have trodden a path to it. This did not suit the owners. Therefore, the gazebo was moved to Hellbrunn Park, where you can still see it.
Read more about Hellbrunn Park:
Salzburg Hellbrunn palace, museums
9. Maria and the children with the song Do-Re-Mi ran literally all over Salzburg and Salzkammergut. First they are in the city – the Mozartsteg over the Salzach.

10. Then they go up to the Schafberg (Wolfgangsee) on a historic steam train.

11. But they find themselves in the mountains above Werfen. There they begin to learn to sing overlooking the Hohenwerfen castle. This is the meadow over Werfen. Special Sound of music trail begin at the tourist information and goes practically straight to the mountain. The cave is on the other side of the valley.

Read more about castle Hohenwerfen.
12. Then the children and Maria find themselves back on Winkler Terrace.
And then in the garden of Mirabelle, where they give a cuff to a dwarf in the garden of dwarfs and run along the alleys. Finally, they jump up the steps at the Mirabell Palace, behind the statue of Pegasus.

The bike ride was filmed by Lake Mondsee.

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13. According to the plot, we stay for a long time in the Leopoldskron Palace. Leopoldskron Palace served as one of the main filming locations. Here, in addition to the ball scenes, all scenes were filmed depicting the facade of the von Trapp house overlooking the lake. These are all scenes on the terrace, scenes when Maria and the children turned the boat upside down, the baroness and the children played ball, Maria’s return from the monastery, the scene when Maria walks in the night park.
You can look at Leopoldskron from the other side of the pond. The palace belongs to an American foundation and free access is prohibited. Guided tours are arranged by agreement (website

14. The wedding of Maria and the captain was filmed in the baroque cathedral in the town of Mondsee. The real wedding of von Trapp and Maria took place in the church at Nonnberg Abbey.
15. Scenes from the Anschluss – bells and marching Nazis – this is Salzburg’s old town, Cathedral Square and Residenzplatz again.
16.The music festival (songs Edelweiss and So long, farewell) was filmed at the Felsenreitschule riding school (1693, massive rock arena in Romanesque style) at the foot of Mönchsberg on the Toscaninihof. The real von Trapp family also won the Salzburg Festival, but not during the Anschluss.
17. The family took refuge from the Nazis in a monastery, which this time was played by the cemetery of the abbey of St. Peter.

18.Finally, the rescued family finds themselves in the mountains – this is again Untersberg on the German side, the village of Rossfeld.
All posts about #Salzburg, #Salzkammergut.
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