Not far from the place where the Rhine flows out of the lake is the town of Stein am Rhein. The town is very small, but very visited, thanks to the large number of painted old houses with bay windows. You can get there by train and boat.
German Switzerland
Rhine Falls
The Rhine Falls is an absolutely stunning sight, mainly with the amount of raging water rushing right on you.
It is highly recommended to visit it at unpopular times – early in the morning, in bad weather, etc. You understand, the sight is stunning, the observation platforms are small, the stairs are narrow and slippery, and then there are groups with cameras in a crowd… The first time we were at the waterfall in the pouring rain. But still we had to wait five minutes to take a picture.
Jungfrau region. 4. What to do in Interlaken and on Schynige Platte
The Jungfrau region is the concentration of everything that a restless tourist might want: lakes, mountains, gorges, caves, castles – welcome, there are also waterfalls – in excess. Number of railways and cable cars per square kilometer – I would not be surprised if a world record was set here. The only thing missing was a good thermal pool.
In this part, about those places that are not in the immediate proximity of the Jungfrau – Interlaken and Schynige Platte.
Jungfrau region. 5. Lake Brienz attractions. Giessbach falls
Lake Brienz, surrounded by mountains, is like an oval bowl with turquoise milk water on the bottom. The water owes its milky color to the Aare, which flows into the lake between Brienz and Giessbach falls.
Despite the beautiful color of the water, a Lake Brienz cruise seemed boring to me. Apparently because of always the same banks. It was more pleasant to take the Interlaken – Meiringen train with huge panorama windows than to “hang around” for a long time on a ship between the banks.
Jungfrau region. 3. Breathtaking Lauterbrunnen valley waterfalls and Mürren
Lauterbrunnen valley waterfalls hike is for me more interesting und must to do as train to “Top of Europe”. In this post we go through “thundering streams” of Lauterbrunnen valley, climb with cable car to Mürren and fascinate incredible views of the Jungfrau mountain range.
Jungfrau region. 6. Aare gorge and Reichenbach falls
After all the previous valleys, the Meiringen Valley surprised me with how flat and wide it is. People come here for the Aare Gorge and Reichenbach Falls. The town seemed boring.
Lucerne old town
Lucerne (Luzern) is one of the most beloved Swiss cities for tourists. Lucerne old town and attractions are enough for whole day visit. It can be also a good rainy day option. But staying here for a long time to explore the lake is probably not the best idea: there are many people, transports, and the view is not the same as further along the lake, where the mountains are higher and closer.
The statement that Lucerne is surrounded by mountains, which I have repeatedly come across on the sites, is not true. There is only one mountain nearby – Pilatus. And you can climb it not from the city itself, but from the suburb of Kriens. However, the Reuss River is beautiful, and away from the center, for example by the ramparts, there are quiet, pleasant residential areas.
Jungfrau region. 8. Lake Thun (Thunersee)
Region Jungfrau has too much interesting. What to choose – Lake Thun or Brienz? Lake Thun is larger. The relief here is more varied, the picture is changing all the time. There are several interesting places on the lake: the Beatus caves, Spiez and Oberhofen castles, Thun and the Thun castle. Lake Brienz is rather monotonous in relief and boring, but Giessbach waterfalls are very impressive. So I would choose Lake Thun cruise, but also Brienz and Giessbach waterfalls with car or public transport.
Jungrau region. 7. Ballenberg open air museum
Ballenberg open-air museum is an exemplary museum of this type in Europe. German pedantry in the collection and preparation of material here met with Swiss identity and diversity. And if you are even curious how people used to live, how they worked, got food, what they carried, then you are right here for the whole day.
Lake Lucerne. 3. Klewenalp – from Seelisberg to Stans
We continue to move clockwise around Lake Lucerne. This part will focus on Klewenalp (part of the shore from Seelisberg to Bürgenstock), Bürgenstock and Stans.
The villages of Beckenried, Emmetten, Buochs belong to Klewenalp.