Last Updated on 06/05/2023
Udine is good to visit “on the way” or between morning and evening swimming. Not for the whole day, but for a couple of hours is just right..
In the history of the city, nothing outstanding was noted, but the picturesque center has been preserved.
Friuli Venezia Giulia region. What to see
Cividale bridge, Duomo place and palio
Cividale. Town and palio
Bibione resort. Part 1. Orientation
Bibione. 2. Accomodation, shops, entertainment
In Udine, in addition to the old town, you can visit:
the castle on the hill, where there is a history and art museum, the Friuli ethnographic museum,
Tiepolo Gallery (Palazzo Patriarcale),
Cathedral also with paintings by Tiepolo,
the old town hall of the 15th century with the gothic hall Loggia del Lionello.
From the station to the city center you have to go perpendicularly, there are no signs, but after about a kilometer you will come across it.
You can also park at the station. Parking is free at lunchtime, so it will be inexpensive.
Now let’s just walk around the city.

Liberty Square changed its name like gloves – in accordance with the current conjuncture:
first, the Wine Square (in honor of the wine market),
then Commune Square (in honor of the city authorities),
Contaren Square (in honor of the Venetian lieutenant, then the city joined Venice),
in honor of Victor Emmanuel (the city became part of Italy).
And only after the Second World War it was finally called Liberty Square.
The square looks very harmonious, it is surrounded by buildings mainly of the 16th century: the Bollani arch leading to the palace on the hill (by Palladio) and the clock tower …

… Loggia del Lionello

Not far from Liberty Square there is a cathedral. Cathedral tower (15th century)

Facade. The cathedral was built in the 13th century, then it was altered several times, the interior is baroque.

Very simple from the side

This is not the main street to the station, but parallel to it. To get out to it, you need to walk from the station to the right (if you stand with your back to it)

At the end we go to the gate of Aquileia, preserved from the ancient city fortifications.

Other Friuli Venezia cities (Cividale, Bibione, map) – #FriuliGiulia
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