Baltic Sea. Kappeln, Eckernförde, Sly Firth and everything in between

Last Updated on 06/06/2024

In this topic we will explore the Baltic Sea coast from Kappeln to Eckernförde and Sly Firth. The Baltic coast of Schleswig-Holstein is more interesting than the North Sea coast in terms of what to see. There are also more developed resorts here, as well as large cities and additional entertainment.

Baltic sea. Schleswig, Hedeby and Danevirke
Lübeck old town
Travemünde – what to do
Tourist Attractions Schleswig Holstein map
Wadden Sea Schleswig-Holstein: Büsum, Husum, Friedrichstadt
Eiderstedt Peninsula. Sankt Peter Ording
Luneburg Heath. Schneverdingen
Cuxhaven. 1. Center
North sea Germany vacation. Things to do

The sea, on the one hand, is warmer by a couple of degrees than the North Sea, but at the same time it is much deeper, so it does not have time to warm up and is perceived as colder at the end of the season.

There are significantly fewer natural reserves on this side. But this doesn’t prevent all sorts of wildlife from actively coming into view. At first everyone just shouted: “Look, a roe deer! Look, three roe deer! Look, a hare!” Then it turned into a boring count: two-three-herd-one more – and so on every day.

Kappeln is known as a historical city, filled with tourists – in my opinion, not entirely deservedly.
Eckernförde is such a secret place for residents of surrounding cities: if you don’t have a car and want to be as central as possible to all the attractions and at the same time by the sea, then this is the choice for you.
Between them is one relatively large resort and three smaller villages on the Schwansen Peninsula, formed by the sea and Sly Firth (Schlei).
Schleswig has its own post: Baltic sea. Schleswig, Hedeby and Danevirke

We will move from south to north.

Map of region Eckernförde – Kappeln – Schleswig

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Cycling roads are indicated in blue. Most of them are separate bicycle roads parallel to automobile roads.
The cities that will be described further are highlighted in yellow.
“Sunshine” – beaches. Not all of them have parking nearby!


Eckernförde is everything I like: not the most known place, small, but at the same time nice, interesting and with good transport accessibility.

The city is located at the end of a rather long bay. There are several beaches along the shores, two of them in the city itself: a long central one and a smaller one closer to the military base. The beaches have good playgrounds for children, and there are also sports grounds. At the end of the season they did not charge for the beach.

Added to all this is a pretty old town.

There is also entertainments. For me this time, the main thing was a small candy factory. Delicious. And expensive. Very expensive and very, very delicious. The main thing is not to get carried away by putting it into a bag to “try”, because it quickly adds up to a double-digit amount. At the same time, you can watch how these candies are made. Angela Merkel’s candies are my favorite.
The shop next door sells chocolate, but the local chocolate didn’t inspire us.

The city also offers attractions:
small historical museum in an old smokehouse
adventure golf
and a rope park.
There are several lakes nearby where you can also swim.

Along the coast between Eckernförde and Kappeln. Schwansen Peninsula

The coast of the Schwansen Peninsula itself is not very populated, but a little further from the coast there are many small villages and hamlets. Beaches alternate with the high shores (Steilküste), campsites with resorts. Beaches can be either paid or free. The same goes for parking.

There are many farms on the peninsula offering their products in self-service shops.


Damp is a resort consisting of large hotel buildings, holiday cottages and a marina. A little further north is the large Schubystrand campsite. For entertainment they offer:
– pool
– bowling, billiards
– skate park
– indoor playground
– adventure golf
– Escape Game

You need to park in the large free parking lot on the outskirts of the resort.
The beach is paid.


Further along the coast is the village of Schönhagen. The beach in the village is paid, and already for children over 12 years old.

Between Schönhagen and Damp there is a nature conservation area with the Schwansener See lake and the high shore of the Steilküste Schönhagen.

The lake was formed from a sea bay. Many birds can be observed here. At the end of May, orchids bloom along the banks.

Some animals, as on the entire peninsula, don’t even need to be tracked; they literally get into your eyes.

For example, this roe deer.

Or these rabbits near the information observation deck of the nature park.

There are a couple of paved roads, but along the high shore you need to follow a path, and strollers do not pass there.

On the cliffs, be very careful, the paths are not safe and go to the very edge. Land slide danger.

Let’s estimate the height of cliffs by people.

Along the shore there are a lot of rose hips, sea buckthorn, tansy and thorns. Thorns:

Olpenitz (ORO)

The relatively newly built Olpenitz resort is located at the confluence of the Schlei into the Baltic Sea. You can park at the entrance to the resort.

The resort offers:
– adventure golf
– sports entertainment, yoga, fitness

The nearby Weidefelder Strand beach is free, but parking requires a day parking ticket. It is located next to the beach.

From Olpentitz to Kappeln there are farmlands. Farmers rent out vacation houses and flats, but you can’t park here and just walk out to Sly Firth if you’re not a guest. Sly Firth looks wonderful here.

If you’re on foot or by bike, you can get to Sly Firth by walking through the forest to the small beach of Ellenberger Holz. Ellenberg is a wealthy suburb of Kappeln.


Kappeln is a nice little town on the Sly Firth, but overrated for tourism. A couple of featureless streets, an 18th-century church, a wind mill and a very small historical harbor – you don’t need to make a special trip to Kappeln for this if the city is not on your way.

What I liked most was the shop next to the old fish smokehouse Aal- und Fischräuchrei Friedrich Föh (you can immediately recognize it by its three brick chimneys), but there are smokehouses in other places as well.

Sometimes a historical train runs from Kappeln. On the last Sunday of the month there is a popular fish market (Fischmarkt).

Amanda Mill was rebuilt after a fire from the late 19th century over a period of almost a hundred years. Inside there is a small historical exhibition and information center. You can go up to the gallery, but there are no stunning views there.

Model of an antique herring trap.

Old town.

The embankment is separated from the city by a wall.


Schlei (Sly Firth)

The Sly Firth inlet ist about, first and foremost, a landscape. Calm creeks, sometimes high banks, sometimes pine trees, sometimes fields and picturesque villages.

You can watch it all from on board the ship. Ships sail from Schleswig to Kappeln or from Kappeln to the mouth of the Sly Firth.
– Reederei Gerda Müller (Kappeln) Link
– “Stadt Kappeln” (Kappeln) Link
– MS “Wappen von Schleswig” (Schleswig) Link

You can cross the Sly Firth in four places:
– there are drawbridges in Kappeln and Lindaunis. The second is both a railway and a road one and may be under repair.
– ferries are available in Missunde and Arnis.

If you do not take into account the minor attractions (they are indicated on the map), the most interesting on Sly Firth is the village of Sieseby. There are traditional houses with reed roofs and an old church from the 12th century.

Arnis – officially the smallest city in Germany, with only about 300 people. One long street lined with linden trees stretches across a small peninsula that was an island for a long time. Fishermen lived in Arnis.

Finally, not on the bank of Sly Firth, but not far from it is the large settlement of Süderbrarup. The main local attraction is Thorsberger Moor. This is an ancient sacrificial place for the god of war Thor. Numerous artifacts, including those of Roman origin, have been found here. You can see some of them in Schleswig palace museum.

Baltic sea. Schleswig, Hedeby and Danevirke
Lübeck old town
Travemünde – what to do
Tourist Attractions Schleswig Holstein map
Wadden Sea Schleswig-Holstein: Büsum, Husum, Friedrichstadt
Eiderstedt Peninsula. Sankt Peter Ording
Luneburg Heath. Schneverdingen
Cuxhaven. 1. Center
North sea Germany vacation. Things to do

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