Brittany. Paimpol. Côte de Goelo

Brittany Roche Jagu Castle

The last day in Brittany was disgusting. The weather didn’t just turn bad. Cold, if not frosty, june morning began with thick fog combined with light rain. But sitting in the same bottle, that is, in the house, with a little genie was not possible. So we set off towards Paimpol and the island of Brehat in the hope that the weather will improve.

On the way, we stopped at Pontrieux and the Roche-Jagu castle. This part of Brittany left the impression of being wild and more authentic than the nearby resorts of the Pink Granite Coast. Although, perhaps, the weather is to blame for this.

In this post all interesting, what you can visit around Paimpol.

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Harz Map of attractions. Part 1 – from Goslar to Bad Sachsa

Harz mountains Harz Gebirge

Harz offers a lot of attractions. All of them you will not be able to visit even in two trips. Let’s look what can you visit on the Harz map. In the first part – West Harz from Goslar to Bad Sachsa and from Einbeck to Brocken.

Among Harz attractions:

  • old cities, two of which are included in the UNESCO list,
  • stalactite caves,
  • old mines,
  • a narrow gauge railway network operated by steam locomotives
  • Mount Brocken (the most famous meeting place for witches),
  • castles and palaces,
  • system of mountain reservoirs for mines,
  • various mountain activities and hiking.

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Brittany. 1. Ille et Villaine. Saint Malo

Saint Malo region

Brittany (Bretagne) on the maps seemed somehow quite easily “explorable”, especially since the first time we decided to take a car, remembering from previous trips that traveling in France without a car creates some, in some places significant, problems. In reality, the region turned out to be huge and interesting. However, the vast distances make it impossible to explore Brittany in any detail in a week.

You have to choose what is characteristic of Brittany and drive a lot, or explore one small piece, hoping to see other parts next time.

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Around Venice and Lido di Jesolo. Map of attractions

Venice Murano island / Venedig Insel Murano

The first part is about Lido di Jesolo as a resort. Now let’s see where we can go to around Venice and Lido die Jesolo, if for us just lying on the beach is not enough. Lido di Jesolo is a very convenient place in this regard – there are quite a lot of interesting places around Venice within an hour or an hour and a half by car. Also bus or train (from Lido di Jesolo, however, there must be a bus first) are possible.

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Lower Normandy Map. Manche attractions

We were in Brittany and Upper Normandy, but Lower Normandy remained unexplored for us. Let’s look, what interesting is there and begin with Manche attractions.
The beaches are beautiful and sandy almost everywhere, but Manche has also rocks.

There are two maps in this post.

Lower Normandy. Calvados and Orne. What to visit
Upper Normandy tourist attractions. 1. Seine-Maritime
Rouen old town
Brittany. 1. Ille et Villaine. Saint Malo

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Lower Normandy. Attractions Calvados and Orne on the map

Attractions Calvados deserves a closer look: cider, cheese, calvados, picturesque old towns and trendy resorts nearby. And the beaches are wonderful everywhere. The whole line of beaches is also connected with the history of D Day. For the D Day I give a separate map.

Perhaps few will get to Orne, it is too far from the sea, but it makes sense to study the map of Orne too – maybe you will want to stop there for a couple of days on the way.

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Friuli Venezia Giulia region. What to see map

Lombard Temple / Tempietto longobardo / Cividale langobarden Tempel

Friuli Venezia Giulia region map is useful for those who rest in Bibione, Grado and Trieste (or of course in other cities of the region).

Bibione is a kind of a resort for those who prefer not to get off the beach. The sights are quite far away, only exit to the highway costs up to half an hour’s drive. This is especially difficult on a hot day. Nevertheless, there are plenty of attractions for a couple of weeks of holiday.

There are public transport option from Bibione here.

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